Urban Design Studio Project > 2006

Final studio project - LA 437 > Re-design a space in the urban fabric. This design explores possibilities of engaging in a conversation with plant performance. I am curious to see different responses of plants continuously bathed in a certain colour of light, conflated with human responses to the same wavelength. Design on a range of time scales, from the light show, to human engagement and exploration, to the more gradual plant performance. For those of you biologists I am curious to see what you think, whether this would even be possible, I don't know...The pragmatics of this haven't been entirely figured out, but light would be separated using prisms in the form of planar panels. I'm not sure what the effects of daytime ambient light would be upon this experiment. The lights above probably would have to become more focused to concentrate the light into the prisms. I made a short quicktime movie, which was spliced together using short clips taken from the following super cool website: Plants in Motion--Alas, another semester over, one more to go...
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